Unlock Your Godly Power

You are the Common Denominator in creating a life that WORKS for you 

Discover how my clients are making real impact in the world while becoming more and accelerating beyond what would be humanly possible on their own.

Book a Call Now

I used to call my program Unlock Your Divine Potential.  But I realized my Clear-Cut Path is not about potential it is about discovering your God-given talents and applying them for real impactful results in your life and in your business!

Let's Talk!

Warning:  This One Decision May Take Your Life and Business To a Whole New Level




Take a moment to confirm that when we get on our call together, we will be utilizing our time in the best way possible:

  • I watched the entire video above
  • I am an entrepreneur who subscribes to Christian beliefs and values
  • I would love to build a legacy of wealth and influence through my business
  • I have a 6 figure business, or I have a desire for more wealth in my business
  • I have access to resources to invest in mentoring if it helps me unlock my Godly Power
  • I am willing to make some changes to feel God's signature of approval on my life and business
  • I want my business to help me fulfill my life's mission
  • I am ready to own it! To stop searching and be happy and fulfilled, personally and in my work life.

If you checked all the boxes, that's great news!

We are likely a fit and I look forward to meet you in person. The next step is to click the link below to schedule a call with me so I can get to know you and your business.

If you said 'yes' to most of the list above, great! You may, or may not be ready to Unlock Your Godly Power.

Decide now if it serves both you and me to meet.  You are still welcome to book a call if you intuitively feel it's the best next step for you.

If the checkboxes above say it's a no for now, that's OK...It's probably best to email me at [email protected] rather than scheduling a call. I have several free resources including a Spiritual Gifts Assessment to help you get ready!

Either way, I look forward to hearing from you!



“I was a new struggling real estate agent. I lacked confidence in myself. I joined Wylene’s program and together we found my divine genius. I implemented the inspired shortcuts I was getting and within literally days of me understanding and capturing what my divine genius was, it immediately made a huge change in my life.  I am a principal broker now and own my own brokerage. It’s taken me really far in a really short time."  -Cheri Salazar - Real Estate Principal Broker


"Since I've started working with Wylene my confidence in myself and my abilities have increased.

Since I've started working with Wylene my confidence in myself and my abilities have increased. I'm shaking off false beliefs I've had and I've been able to better see the positive side of hard things I'm experiencing. Wylene provided an outside assessment of my business and helped me see some changes that needed to happen. As a result our work environment is much more positive and although I still struggle with some issues, I feel like I've finally given myself permission to insert my personality into the business and let go of some mindsets that were stunting our growth."

-Alissa Lines,  Manufacturing Business Owner

"She helped us identify areas where we were underserving our clients and offered valuable guidance

Wylene has made a very positive impact on the Krohn Breakthrough Foundation.  She helped us identify areas where we were underserving our clients and offered valuable guidance on how to implement existing programs in a more powerful way. She also helped identify a missing piece to our programming that will now allow us to serve our community in a significantly better way than we were able to do before. With these improvements, we now see a greater potential to serve more people and deliver more tools of emotional intelligence and Breakthrough to the public. Wylene has been a valuable asset and we are grateful to have her as part of our team." 

-Heather Berry, Krohn Breakthrough Foundation Manager

"I have felt weighed down by expectations I had on myself that I wasn’t living up to

"I have felt weighed down by expectations I had on myself that I wasn’t living up to and the pressure I was putting on myself was uncomfortable. Wylene helped me identify my purpose and see how I am right on track and helped me to define clear goals that I feel completely capable of achieving this week. I left the call feeling totally empowered and rejuvenated. Thanks so much Wylene Benson!!” 

-Melissa Ott, Wife * Mom * Mentor

It's Your Turn!

Get Inspired and Live in Your Power

by Unlocking Your Godly Power

Discover Your Strengths and the Formula for Co-Creating With God to Make the Most of Your Life

  • Watch your life unfold into a reality that is bigger than you ever imagined
  • Experience exponential growth personally and financially 
  • Take back control of your time, money and energy by eliminating detours and do-overs, because you are moving confidently in the direction you are divinely guided
  • Find peace and certainty in your path of purpose
  • Live the way you have always wished, while thriving in your creative genius
  • Feel that inner knowing that your life’s work is making a difference for the right people
  • Get empowered for life by discovering and utilizing God's power within yourself
  • Have a constant stream of inspired shortcuts so everything seems to easily fall into place

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

What if you could let go of the stress and follow a proven formula to revitalize your life and business, investing only 2 hours per day?

The Law of Divine Return is God's guarantee that when you invest your time in Him at your Godly Power level, you naturally produce earthly wealth.

I offer a very unique approach to business that is not right for everyone.  I'm excited to learn more about you and to see if it feels right for you.

Let's Talk!
You Have All You Need Within You, You Just Need to Unlock It!

I'll See You Soon...

From the voice of experience...

Having a life that looked good on the outside, but felt unfulfilled and unhappy on the inside, to now living and working in my divine genius, loving every day that I get to wake up and be me...

My one desire for connecting with you, whether we decide to work together or not, is that you Unlock the Godly Power within yourself and experience all that God knows you are capable of.


In the meantime, I have a special gift for you!

Most of us Christians know that God has given each of us unique spiritual gifts that will help us be successful in life if we only know how to leverage them for good. 

The problem is, we are unsure what those gifts are, and exactly how to tap into them.

There are two types of spiritual gifts:

  1. Indwelling Gifts in 1 Corinthians 12
  2. Serving Gifts in Romans 12

I have created a Spiritual Gifts Assessment to help you uncover and understand the first type, your Indwelling Gifts.

Click Here for your Spiritual Gifts Assessment

Book Your Call with Wylene Now!