When Life Doesn't Add Up


Curses exist. These are generational beliefs that have been passed down. I realized this morning it goes beyond someone’s belief they have passed down. A generational curse is something that has been taught. It’s ingrained within a person, ingrained within me, ingrained so deep that it feels like truth.


It feels different…what I'm going to call a ‘curse’ today, I'll explain a little bit more about that. When I call it a curse, it feels more like it's not a belief that somebody else had, that we absorbed. It's something that was taught as a child throughout the whole childhood. So deep that it felt even beyond truth, a truth that just IS. It felt it was part of me, it really was mine. It was taught strongly, not like, sit you down, teach you this, but caught. It’s the way things are. I'm going to call that a curse. It is to the point where you can't recognize the difference between a belief and a truth…where it is ingrained, innate within you that it's part of me and I can’t change it because it is the truth. Maybe I don't necessarily see that it's true for everyone, but I see it as true for myself. 


I'm going to give you an example that hopefully will help you understand a little bit more. I have had this ingrained paradigm within me since childhood, since I don't know how long, probably since I was in the womb, that it's hard to make money. It takes a lot of work. It takes a lot of effort to make money to the point where it seems for other people, one plus one equals two, but for me, one plus one equals negative one or something. The components don't add up. I'll give you a couple of examples. 


When I was doing Mary Kay, I was queen of sales in my whole area. I had sold more products than anybody. I knew how to sell Mary Kay stuff, and everybody was certain that I must be really wealthy and successful. But I wasn’t. I was constantly scraping to get by. I went to a friend of mine who seemed to be super peaceful and had all the money that she needed. I asked, “will you please help me? I want to just ask your advice on something.” She agreed and I laid out my expenses, my income, everything, and told her exactly what was happening in my business. I even had the receipts to prove it. She looked at me and she was baffled. She said, “The only thing that I can see that you could change is you could get rid of your 800 number.”  I offered an 800 number so people didn't have to pay long distance charges to call me. People had started getting cell phones so there weren't long distance charges anymore. It was maybe $30 per month. When my friend looked at my finances she said, “It doesn't add up. You should have way more money than you have.” I left there feeling like that was not very helpful, but I continued on. 


Then there’s my daughter, who is amazing with money. She bought her first house when she was 21. She had saved the money for the down payment and since then has sold that house and bought another one. Her finances always add up. Everything always makes sense when you look at her numbers. One time I went to her I said, “can I show you what's happening in our finances and see if you can see something that I'm doing wrong?  Nothing is adding up. I'm doing all the right things and we still are struggling. I don't get it.” She came over, we sat down, and again, we went over all the income, we went over all the expenses. And again, she came to the same conclusion as my friend did years earlier when I had three small children. This time we still had two grown children at home. She said, “Based on what you told me, you should have way more money than you have. It’s just me and my husband, but we make way less than you do and we have way more money than you do. It doesn't add up.”  


Again…that same situation had come up…it doesn't add up. I can't figure it out. This is what I'm talking about when I'm categorizing something as a curse where one plus one does not equal two and you have no idea why.  Those of you who know me, know I do my Permission Process every day. If I discover any limiting belief, it is gone.  I do not allow those things to stick around once I discover them. I felt I was doing all the right things, my mindset was right.  I had already created the *Lord's Way to Wealth course, so I know the truth about wealth. I think I do well at keeping my mind clear of untruths about wealth. But it still felt like everything wasn't adding up. I went to God one day and I said, “I am totally lost. I have no idea what to do. I don't even know what to do to fix this. Nothing adds up. It does not make sense. It doesn't make sense logically. It doesn't even make sense energetically. I should be attracting more money. I am attracting money, but I should have more money with what I have attracted. I shouldn't be attracting more expenses. The income and expenses don’t even add up.” 


Clint and I have talked about this too, it didn't make sense. I went to God and asked Him to show me, to help me. While I was praying, I had the thought that the reason it didn’t make sense to me is that it wasn't mine. It was a belief that making money is hard, that was created, who knows how many generations back, and it had been taught to me. And, all things were working together for it to be hard to make money. It was actually true that it was nearly impossible to make money because nothing made sense. I can do whatever I want and it's still going to be really hard. 


I asked in that prayer for this curse to be lifted, I immediately felt this overwhelming emotion. Tears started streaming from my eyes. I felt…I don't even know how to describe it. It was a balloon or something, the air got let out of this balloon inside of me and my whole body swayed. Think of a balloon flying around when you let the air out. That's what my body did. I felt this thing go out of my head, and from that point forward, I felt much lighter. I've always tracked my income, but I started tracking my income specifically to see if things started adding up, and they did! They  started adding up after that. Things started making sense. I know that something, not mine, existed within me. It was a real thing. It had somehow been taught to me in a way that it was true. there was literally nothing that I could do about it. It was some block that was there that I personally, even after going to people getting advice, I could not fix it. The only way that it could be fixed was when I went to God. 


I want to  share with you a couple of scriptures, three scriptures that came to me today. I'm not going to write them out here. I'm going to give you the references. The first scripture is about the curse passing down for seven generations in Exodus 25:36. I read part of that scripture. It doesn't say the curse will be for seven generations. That would be really cruel if somebody made a decision and created some crazy situation, then for seven generations you could do whatever you want and nothing's going to add up and you'll never have money. It says to the seventh generation of them that hate me. I'll come back to that.

Then the thought came to me, “All things work together for good.” We can have things not add up on the positive side! I have experienced that, when nothing adds up, and I’m grateful for those miraculous times. For me, things were not adding up on the negative side. We can also have all things working together for good. We can have good things that don't make sense.  All things are working together for good. We get these miraculous results even though we don't even know what the heck we're doing. One plus one now equals 20  instead of two. That scripture is Romans 8:28. There’s a little caveat here just like in Exodus 25:36 saying seven generations for them that hate me.


Romans 8 28 says. All things work together for good for them that love God. All things work together crazily for people who hate the Lord up to seven generations of a curse that happened, all things work together crazily on the positive side with no cut-off time for them that love God. 


Then the final scripture that I want to share is Joel 2:32. I'll read the first part. “It shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered…” My interpretation of  all these scriptures came at once. I know in my Daily GPS when things come to me all at once they're all connected. Those who hate God, who are rebellious, who are seeking their own way, who don't look to him when they need help, that look to other sources, that put other gods before Him. Those who hate God are going to experience this crazy thing where nothing adds up….to the negative. We're not going to get all things working together for good. But those who love God, who look to Him when they need help and deliverance, who do everything in their power to partner with Him, to have His will come to pass. Those people will have all things work together in a way that doesn’t add up. We can’t see how it's all working together. It doesn’t make sense until it all comes together. All these amazing coincidences, those people who love God are going to experience that. And the final scripture gives us the answer for when we are doing all the things and for some reason, we’re still not getting the results. If we are lost over here, having a hard time figuring it out, we can call on the name of the Lord and we shall be delivered.


That is what I am super excited about today, to know that we have the power to make all things work together for our good when nothing makes sense. We do that by calling on the name of the Lord. I have a special gift that I would like to give you. I wrote a book called Gateways to God - A Book of Prayers. This book is filled with different prayers that you can use when you need deliverance from certain things or if you want to express gratitude to God. Click this link for a free pdf copy: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yWXYRxiUZJKlQ3bbf6iUQ6Rh8TiVi3fi/view?usp=sharing

This book is beautiful. It has beautiful illustrations. It was inspired. My friend who does all my publishing, Lara Helmling and I put it together in about two days, which seems impossible, it doesn’t make sense. All things worked together for good for us…and for you to have access to it.

We're going to do an exercise right now. I invite you to take a deep breath, be open to know where in your life things have not been adding up on the negative side. Where are you doing everything that you know…you've asked for advice, you have gone to people who you know it is working for, you have read up on it, you've been watching instructional videos, you've been doing everything that you know to do, and things are not adding up?


You are not getting the results that you believe you should be getting with all the work that you're putting into it. This could be related to money, it could be a relationship that doesn't seem to be improving with all the work that you're doing. It could be that you can’t figure out how you never have time. You might be saying, “I feel I'm prioritizing. I feel I'm doing all the things and it doesn't add up. Be aware of that situation. 

Check in to see if maybe there is a limiting belief which is causing your problem, some way that you are sabotaging yourself. Perhaps you're scared of the result you might get if you allowed it to happen. Write that limiting belief down and you can deal with it with your permission process.  Be grateful for that limiting belief if that’s what is coming to you. If there isn't a limiting belief, if you feel you really are truly doing everything that you know, and it doesn't seem to be adding up, then this is the time where you get to call on the name of the Lord so that you can be delivered. Even use that word ‘curse.’ I know the word ‘curse’ maybe isn't something that we really buy into these days, but they are real. They can be created generations back. If it’s not ours, we have no idea that it's even still happening. It's ingrained in us so that we feel it is part of who we are. Ask for deliverance from that curse, and if that's what it is, have faith that He will deliver you. If it isn't someone else’s, if it really is yours, ask God to show you the one thing that needs to change within you that would allow you to flip over to the positive side where all things are working together for good in the crazy way that you can't explain.  Where it doesn't make sense, but you are getting miraculous results on the positive.  


You have gone to God. That shows that you love Him. All things do work together for those who love the Lord. Stay in that prayer as long as you feel you need to, to receive what you need…either information about how you can change, or release of that curse that has been plaguing your family for generations. You are the changemaker, you are the chain breaker. You are the one who has asked for deliverance. From this point forward, all of those in generations forward, whether this is first generation, second generation, seventh generation, all generations from this time forward, will be blessed by you As you ask for the release of that curse, I do believe that generations past can be forgiven and released from that curse as well, even the person who started it. If you can ask for release from that curse for yourself, then it will allow that person to not now have to carry this burden of causing up to seven generations to have issues. You asking for that release, can be a means of forgiveness for that original person who started it all as well, to not have to carry the weight any longer.

*Lord’s Way to Wealth 21-day challenge:  https://mentoring.wylenebenson.com/offers/bGBXRF7j

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