Waste, Waists, and Feasts


Today I want to talk about food through the holidays. It tends to be probably the biggest way I've noticed myself and others stepping outside of what we know is healthy for ourselves. Besides the fact that we get really busy and just grab what's convenient, there is overeating. This was sparked by a foot zoning session. I love doing foot zoning. To me, it's a great way to release toxic energy. It's letting go, an elimination. Come to think about it, as we're talking about food, part of overeating, or any eating itself, is the digestive system. That is our system and process of elimination, which is great! When we eat, we want to make sure that whatever is waste is going to be eliminated. 


Anyway, I was with my foot zone practitioner, and she asked me what was top of mind and what I wanted to work on that day. The idea or vision that popped into my head, and I am sure it was a subconscious thought coming to the surface, was that I was consciously trying to expand my waistline. So when I became aware of the actual words that were coming to me, it was, "let's see how fast and how big my waistline can get." I know that sounds really crazy! But that was what the subconscious was doing underneath the surface of my conscious awareness.


I just started talking out this subconscious idea. Then I realized that it was a crazy twisted way of trying to see a physical manifestation of my world expanding so I would be able to receive more. This wish literally could be a physical manifestation of my stomach, my body expanding to be able to receive more. So I can eat more. We have to be really careful when we set goals or when we have intentions that we have the right intention and that we clarify what this means! I don't necessarily really want to expand my waistline to see how much more I can receive as far as food goes. 


I've had a lot of, not cravings; I've unexplainably always been wanting to eat. I couldn't really figure that one out. Now I know. I am sure this could turn into a whole masterclass, but we're not going to do that today. What I will do is share some of the epiphanies I had. Once I let that subconscious thought come to me I started making some conscious decisions conscious, as in investigating to see how I can maybe change that language or do things differently so I'm not physically manifesting this huge belly.


The first thought that came to me was about personal growth, and expanding myself in that way. That is one of the pieces that are really important to be able to receive more. Again, my subconscious was getting a little bit confused on this, but I clarified 'expanding myself' as personal growth. Expanding myself in that way is designed to help me step outside my comfort zone to do some things I'm uncomfortable with. Then I want to expand my abilities to easily do that. I can expand myself my emotional resilience. I can expand myself spiritually; I can allow my spirit to even radiate beyond my physical body so that it's felt by people around me and even around the world.


There are lots of healthy ways to expand me. Then I thought about the word 'expand.' As I'm thinking about expanding myself for the purpose of receiving more, what I mean is that I want progression. So I've exchanged the word expand in this particular way of speaking about my personal growth for the word' progression.' I am always progressing instead of; I'm always expanding; that word works a lot better. It clarifies what I'm talking about to the universe, my body, and my desirese I really need to progress to the level I am ready to receive. Every level that I progress, makes me more able to receive ands me a bigger person better able to receive. For example, instead of getting a bigger house so I can have more stuff, I become a bigger person so that more prosperity and opportunities come to me which could turn into a big place and more things if I chose that.


That was the first change changing my language from expanding to progressing. Then immediately I realized that has nothing to do with eating more. I was lying there with my eyes closed; my therapist was doing the foot zoning. All of a sudden, I envisioned the inside of my body, all these organs and systems working perfectly inside of my body. I know my ears,,, and my nose is going to keep growing throughout the rest of my life. Still, my kidneys, my liver, my heart, my stomach, all the other pieces inside of me that keep everything working perfectly, that keep me in tip-top shape and healthy, are going to stay the same size. I could have enlarged my stomach, and we know the heart can become enlarged. But those are not everyday things that happen to a healthy human body.


The natural way to be the way that God intended is that these organs would grow until we became an adult, then roughly stay the same size. Even scientists say your heart, stomach, liver, and your kidneys are approximately this size. Everybody is approximately this size. As I looked inside of myself with my mind's eye, I realized that the natural way to be, and the way that God intended throughout our adult life, is for organs to stay basically the same size. For me to attempt to expand (even if it's subconsciously) to expand my stomach. To add visceral fat around my organs, to try to expand myself so that I can receive more, is the ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Our bodies are not meant to be that way.


That visualization spoke to my logical mind that these organs are meant to be roughly the same size throughout my entire life. As I multiply and replenish as God has commanded me to do, it's within God's natural design. I was even thinking about when I was having babies. My body would expand to fit the baby inside of me. But pretty much, for me at least, I know this isn't true for everyone, but as soon as the baby was born, especially after I finished nursing, everything went back to roughly the same size. There wasn't a lot of sagging in my belly. I had some stretch marks, but other than that,  everything was basically the same size after I had my babies. What that tells me is that our bodies are meant to do what they need to do when needed. When that time is over and that need is over, we are all designed to go back to roughly the same size. That doesn't necessarily happen if we're overeating. When we are compulsively overeating, we're consciously or unconsciously trying to expand our bodies to receive more in some way. It could be to receive more love, more safety, and more security. Overeating is not going to give us more of anything except a more unhealthy lifestyle.


To be clear, multiplying and replenishing is not for our internal digestive system; multiplying and replenishing is our ability within our energetic body, our creative centers, our intellectual center, our intuitive center to be able to create, to create something that perpetuates life. And that goes beyond having babies.


Personal growth is spiritual. If we see that growth, expansion, progression, and multiplying as more of a spiritual desire, we will grow in the perfect way God designed us to grow. All of the laws of abundance that He gives are spiritual. We can continue to do progression after our physical bodies have returned to dust.


The exercise that I want to do today is to help us to able to connect with the system that is going on inside of our bodies. Maybe we can see if there's a message that we can receive today. So I invite you to close your eyes and take a deep breath.


As you take the next deep breath, shake off any thoughts or feelings that have come up for you already about your body that are not in alignment with God's view of your physical body. Set those thoughts on a shelf. Be open to receiving whatever God wants to show you this morning. As you breathe the next time, allow that breath to come in through your nose. As the breath passes by your brain, will enable the breath to pick up your consciousness enable your consciousness to follow that breath down, through your throat, down into your chest, filling up the whole core of your body. With your consciousness in the core of your body, you can see everything happening inside, all of the organs, the lungs, the heart, the stomach, the kidneys, the liver, all the things happening inside.


As you notice what's happening there, allow yourself to look around as a physician. You are looking around to diagnose, to cure. You are not looking around in judgment. When a doctor is looking for the cause of something, he doesn't look around and say, "oh, there you go, you shouldn't have been doing that!" He looks around, and says, "okay, this is what's going on. This is what we need to do to fix that." Go in as a physician, being open to seeing and understanding what is happening. First, notice all the functions, expressing gratitude for how our organsr perfectly. Everything is working; even with what we've been doing to sabotage it, everything is still working perfectly. We can express gratitude for that. Take one more deep breath.


As you're sitting in the core of your body noticing all the functions, I invite you to let your mind go blank. Allow whatever in your body needs the most attention to shine brightly, maybe even red, a beacon to draw your attention. You are immediately drawn to that area. Check in if the beacon is flashing in your big toe or wherever it is. What you notice isying, "I need some attention." Focus on that one area right now. Everything else is going to continue to function, no problem. As you focus on this one area, the first question I have for you is, "what is the message that this beacon, that this area of your body, has for you?" Trust the first words that come to you, even if they don't make sense.


Write that message down. Then the next question is, "can you receive that message?" It's one thing to ask for a message; it's another thing to receive the news. Is the answer your conscious mind is giving you a yes or no? If it's 'I don't know,' then it's a no. If it's not a yes, it's a no. Can you receive the message? If the answer is no, ask you're conscious mind, "can you be okay with that? Can you be okay with not receiving the message?" If you can be okay with a no, then you are complete with your exercise, and I encourage you to come back again and try this exercise at another time. 


If you can be okay with receiving the message, we can move on. If you have received the message, then ask, "can you now express gratitude for that flashing beacon in that area of your body that was asking you to notice? Can you express gratitude for that pain or that discomfort or that irritation or whatever it was that drew your attention there? Can you express gratitude for the message?"


Now that you have received and expressed gratitude for the beacon and the message, what does that beacon want to do since it has delivered its message? Does it want to stay where it is? Does it want to move? Does it want to get bigger or smaller? What does it want to do? And, can you let it? Whatever it wants to do, can you let it do that? If the answer is yes, then let that beacon go wherever it wants to go, be whatever it wants to be, allow it and watch it as it does whatever it wants to do.


If the answer is no, ask you're conscious mind, "can I be okay with not letting the beacon do or be what it wants?" And come back at a later time to check in with that area of your body to see if you are ready to let it show you what's next.


Once the beacon is settled, check in to see if there's anything else that you need to do at this moment for that particular area of your body. If there is, go through the process of asking for a message and receiving it again again again. If everything feels complete, then you're finished with the exercise. Come back to the present, come back with me, open your eyes, back in your chair. Know that you can check in with your body anytime to see if there's a message for you somewhere in your body.  


As we go throughout the holidays, take this logical idea into parties with you. If you are faced with choosing whether to eat lots of sugary or fatty things or eat more than your stomach wants to hold, you can remember our organs are meant to be roughly the same size, that the way that we expand is by progressing spiritually. And by allowing yourselves to continually be better, try new things, and stretch in ways that are more on a spiritual level, on an emotional level, on a financial level even, we naturally and authentically expand our earthly experience.


Communicate to the universe, communicate to ourselves, our self subconscious, our conscious minds, the ways we want to progress that will help us be more healthy; we'll have an awesome holiday and a more expansive life.

Get on a call with me to learn more about what it takes to Unlock Your Divine Potential.