Staying in My Lane


I had some inspiration this morning, and I just feel on fire right now; I just want to share that this message that God has put into me is his message. It's something that I get to be one of His messengers to pass it on. That is what we have in the power of godliness within us. This is something that I have been getting really passionate about over the last couple of years as I've realized and started to uncover my power of godliness.


It all starts with the light of Christ that we have within us. I could go on for days and talk about this power of godliness that we have within us, but I won't. It really does help us be able to pick our battles to know what's the most important things for us to focus on… what's ours and what belongs to someone else. 


I could give you lots of examples of where people have come to me because they see me as someone who is abundant and can help them. I get a lot of invitations to participate in things. I think carefully before I say yes to anything because I know who I am and why I'm here.


If it doesn't line up with those two things, who I am and why I'm here, then I say no. I say no to probably 90% of the opportunities that come my way, but the ones that I say yes to feel really good inside, and it just helps us to feel so empowered. So, for example, around the holidays, there are so many different opportunities. We tend to feel like we have to say yes because it's the only time we're going to see Aunt Judy for a year or whatever, or it's always been done; it's a tradition that we all come to this party or whatever. So I have to say yes. And maybe you got asked to bring something that is not your favorite thing to make, like a dish that's not your favorite thing to make or whatever.


Often you say yes out of obligation, but you don't have to do that. It's the biggest joy killer to say yes to things that we're not super passionate about saying yes to. So I want you to know it's okay to say no. 


I kind of went way off the script with that little tangent. I want to get back to this power of godliness. You literally have the power to change the world. The power of godliness starts with that light of Christ within us. When you partner with God and when you are one with God, you're in God, and you're in Christ, and they are in you. Christ says, I am in you, and you are in Me, and we are in the Father. When we are that, then we act in the name of Jesus Christ and for the purpose of God.


When we are acting in the name of Jesus Christ, we have the power and authority of Jesus Christ. Because it's like you're acting in the name of. I hope you don't think this is like blaspheming, but it's like, I am Jesus Christ. I am acting in the name of Jesus Christ. So I've got the power and authority. He delegated the power and authority to me to act in His name. So just know that, realize that, that you are that powerful. It jSo itt makes it even more critical for you to only focus on the things that are really important, that are yours, that belong to you.

An example in the scriptures is when Jesus met the rich young man who came to Him and said, 'I've  done all of this. I've given to the poor. I do everything that I'm supposed to do. I've got all the check marks. I said yes to all the things that I'm supposed to do. Now, what does it take for me to get into the kingdom of heaven?' And that rich young man thought that he was set. He was prideful enough to think, 'I've done everything.' He thought Jesus was just going to say, 'oh, you're in. Here's your free card. You get to come.' But Jesus says, 'go sell everything and give to the poor.' And the rich young man was like, 'Hmm, okay. Not willing to do that.' And he went away, sorrowing that Jesus didn't chase him down and say, 'just kidding, here's your free card anyway.' Or, 'oh, let me help you. You really need some help. Let me take you under my wing, and I'm just going to mentor you for free and make sure you get into heaven.'


I have done that in the past. I have seen people and I'm like, I know exactly what they need because I've been there. I see it; I know what they need. I have actually reached out to them and said, I know that you can't afford me, but I'm going to do this for free because you need it. I've done that. I've chased that rich young man down and said, 'just kidding. I'll do it for free because I want to make sure you get into heaven.'


That is not my place. That disempowers me. And it disempowers the person, too, because I'm forcing myself into a place where I don't belong. That's not a battle that I need to fight. So the problem that happens when we partner with God is that we see everything. If we've been there, we can see that something needs to be done, and we think, 'I know I could do it.' But we can't be effective, and everyone loses unless the other person is ready to take the steps, pay the price of those steps, and do the work. 


So thinking about the holidays, I've planned parties before and tried to give out food assignments and stuff like that and have people have said, 'I don't want to bring that. I think I'll bring this instead. I remember thinking, 'oh my gosh, would you see what I asked?' So I've been there, I've been in the position of hostess, or I've been in the position where I've been planning a big event, and I just want people to do what I ask, but it doesn't help them or me if that isn't my genius. If it's not something that I feel really called to do, then it doesn't help anybody for me to agree to something like that. 


We want to help. But when you're asked to do something, take a moment and look inside and say, is that who I am? Is that why I'm here? 


I want to teach you an exercise that hopefully will help you to be able to get in the flow of that, of asking. Grab a piece of paper or get ready to write on your phone or wherever. Now take a deep breath. Just let all the things in your mind and that you have been asked to do or that you look around and see these need to be done. Notice the things just swirling around in your head and body. Maybe there's worry about not getting it done. Maybe there's fear that somebody will think something about you or whatever. So emotions and things are going on inside your body, too. 


Write these things down right now. Just get them out of you. Get them onto a piece of paper. The number one thing that starts releasing that energy, that heaviness, is to get it out on paper. So let's just do that right now. Just anything that you have felt obligated to do, and whether it is your genius or not, whether you feel compelled to do or if you are feeling like somebody is expecting something of you, anything that's coming to you that you feel like you see because you're like very empathic or you're just one of these people that lives in a gymnasium. You can see what's going on in everybody's lives. 


Write these things down. Anything that is swirling around inside of you that's like, 'I should be doing this. I should say something; I should help that person.' Any of these shoulds; just put that down on paper right now. Keep writing until all the things are written down. You might want to return to this list because there might be some other things, and throughout the day, you might think of some other things and write those down. 


These are all good things because you believe you should do them. Give yourself credit for being a good person and wanting to do good things. Now that you have this list in front of you, we're going to put them into three categories. Put a letter beside each one. The first one is M for mine. Put the letter 'M' if it's mine and if it truly is. As you're going down this list, genuinely check in with your soul, asking yourself, 'is this mine?' 


I'll give you a little hint. I was talking to my daughter this morning; she made a choice last night that seemed like she was complicating things. I thought, 'you shouldn't be doing that. That's not what I would do.' But see, that is not mine. So even though I thought about it and my body wanted to speak, I zipped it because it was not mine. She's older than 18, she can make her own choices, and I get to be quiet. So that is not mine. You might think it's mine because I'm worried about it, but that's not the case. It might be somebody else's, and it might be God's. This might be like a world problem that you feel is yours and you're carrying the weight of it, but if it is God's and not yours, then don't put an 'M' by it.


The second one that you're going to put is 'T.' This stands for 'to do.' If it is a 'to do' so, it is something that you've been struggling with. It might not be something that you can check off, but it's just something that you are concerned about. So if it's mine and there might be an M and a 'T,' then it's mine to do. So here's mine, and then it's mine to do. If it's yours and yours to do, put a T next to it. Third, if it's yours and somebody else's to do, put a D next to it, which is delegate. The ones are mine, so go back through the list of 'Ms' and either put a T or D next. 


Now let's go one step further and do some ABC priority. Go back through and see if it is super important, if there's a deadline, or if it's going to create some significant catastrophe. If it doesn't get done today, put that, put an A next to those. So it'll have an M and either a T or a D., And then you're going to put an A, B, or C. Right now, we're just doing 'A,' so if it's essential that you do it today and not just, it would be nice if it got done today, but it's like it's imperative that this get done today, then that's an A. It would be great if it got done today, but it could wait till tomorrow, put a B next to that. Suppose it could wait for tomorrow or, you know, sometime this week; not a big deal if it's not done today. Then everything else is a C. I also want you to put in parenthesis that maybe it's a 'D' or a delegate. If it doesn't have to be done today or this week, you may take it on yourself, but it could be somebody else's. So you've got M next to all the ones that are yours. You have either a T or a D and an A, B, or C. And next to the C's, you've got a little parenthesis that might be something to delegate.


The last step is to look at all of those things that do not have an M next to it and cross them off. And I know if you're like me, this is not a crossing off where I'm thinking, 'yay, I crossed something off.' It's more like, 'oh? I have to cross this off?' Cross it off. 


We're going to do a little exercise to help you release that energetically because I know if you're like me and I have taken something upon myself. I have been asked to let it go, it, I can just feel like there's this stuff going on inside myself like, 'I don't know if I can do this.' 


Go ahead and close your eyes, take a deep breath, and if you're willing, I will give you a little statement that has always helped me to release those things that are not mine. 


Just repeat after me:


Return to sender with full consciousness; attached return to sender. This is for all the things you crossed off. Return to sender with full consciousness attached. Now allow your mind's eye to see those things floating away from you and going out to wherever they came from. Wherever that feeling of obligation came from, wherever that feeling of worry or doubt or fear or whatever came from, send it back to the sender with full consciousness so that that person can take care of it. Because it's not yours, it belongs to somebody else. You don't even need to know who it belongs to. It might be four generations back, something that was pushed on you, these 'shoulds' that kept going for generations and generations. It could be the adversary. You don't need to know where it came from but just return it to the sender with full consciousness attached. Give them the full consciousness that this is theirs to do.


That is your exercise. I encourage you to continue throughout the day if you think of these shoulds. Use this method of deciding what is yours and then deciding if it's yours to do or if it's yours to delegate. Then set a priority. If it's a C priority, think about maybe this is something I need to delegate. Then if it is not on the mine list, return it to the sender with full consciousness attached. 

Get on a call with me to learn more about what it takes to Unlock Your Divine Potential.